Rule for Payment of Fee
☑️ The school fee and transport fee are collected for three months in advance. The fees are due in April, July, October and January. The fee should be deposited on or before the 20th of the months mentioned above. A late fee of 50/- will be charged (separately for school fee & transport fee) till the end of the month, after which 10/- per day will be levied for the late payment of the fees.
☑️ All fees should be paid through cheque/DD or online. Transport fee for all the classes should be drawn in favour of ST. FRANCIS SCHOOL GREATER NOIDA (TRANSPORT).
☑️ Non-payment of fees for a quarter will result in the cancellation of the admission of the ward. For the continuation of studies/academics in the school, he/she should re-register with a registration fee of 500/- along with the complete remittance of dues.
☑️ Parents are requested to keep the receipts issued to them from the office and produce them as a proof of payment of fees whenever required.
☑️ No concession is granted for siblings studying in the same school.
☑️ The school fee is subject to revision from time to time due to the increase in teachers' salaries, maintenance and other expenses.
☑️ Fees once paid is non-refundable.
☑️ Pupils will not be allowed to sit for examinations unless all dues are cleared.
☑️ A child who joins the school any time during the academic year will have to pay the fees for the whole year.
☑️ In case a cheque bounces due to insufficient fund, ₹ 500/-and for any other reasons, 200/- have to be paid along with the amount mentioned in the cheque through a DD only. No online payment for the bounced cheques.
☑️ Parents are requested not to send cheques with their ward(s). They are expected to drop them personally in the drop box at the fee counter after furnishing all relevant details.
👉Fee Structure 2024-25👈 |